Accura was contracted by Clark Patterson Lee, to perform a foundation investigation that met Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) guidelines and format for the construction of a multi-use trail at the site located in the area called Norcross Greenway. The proposed multi-use trail is planned to be a 10-foot wide concrete path constructed from Cemetery Drive (near the GA Power Tower) to Beaver Ruin Road along Cemetery Field Park Access Road, Mitchell Road, Pinnacle Way, and Price place with connecting trails between these roadways in the City of Norcross in Gwinnett County, Georgia. The project is in support of the Atlanta Regional Commission’s 2040 Regional Transportation Plan and the Wal-Bike-Thrive campaign, as well as Gwinnett County objectives.
After conducting the field investigation, Accura prepared a written geotechnical data report for the project summarizing our work on the project, a site map to note sampling locations, providing descriptions of the subsurface conditions encountered, laboratory testing program, procedures used and photo documentation. All work was completed under the direct supervision of a registered professional geotechnical engineer.