Accura provides a wide array of services to the Federal marketplace. These services include Construction Management/Program Management, Construction, Engineering, Surveying and Environmental services. The following highlights some of the key Accura prime contracts to demonstrate the diversity of our services.
Client: Federal Bureau of Prisons Services: Federal, Engineering, Construction
Contract: 8(a) Design-Build Construction for Repair. One of the key task orders was located at the Federal Correctional Institution in Aliceville, AL (FCI-Aliceville), a low security facility with an adjacent minimum-security satellite campus that holds 1,578 inmates. FCI-Aliceville experienced tornado damage, including severe damage to various roofs, roof framing, mechanical systems and ceilings. Accura oversaw design engineering, construction and construction management services for the year-long project to return buildings inside the perimeter to pre-tornado conditions. The scope of work included stripping built-up roofing and replacing bar joists; replacing steel decking, welding loose decking, repair and replace bond beams, replace roofing system, demolish and replace ceiling systems; repair interior finishes, repair lighting protection system; repair fire alarm system, replace missing/damaged HVAC ducts, repairs to electrical/lighting system, replacement of damaged and missing exhaust fans and condensing units.
Client: General Services Administration Services: Federal, Engineering, Construction Management
Blanket Purchase Agreement – Construction Management/Program Management Services – Region 4.
Client: General Services Administration Services: Federal, Engineering, Construction Management
Contract: Construction Management Services for Region 4.
Client: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Services: Federal, Engineering, Construction Management
Contract: Construction Quality Assurance and Coordination Services for NASA at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). Perform QA inspections of the construction work to confirm compliance with the contract plans and specifications, including any approved shop drawings and submittals. Accura provides oversight of construction activity at the GSFC Greenbelt campus, which includes work planning and scheduling services.
Client: US Army Reserve 81st Services: Federal, Environmental
Contract: Stormwater Retention Pond Services, Morehead City, NC
Client: USACE Kansas City Services: Federal, Engineering, Construction Management
Contract: Construction Management Services for NGA West Campus.
Client: USACE Louisville Services: Federal, Engineering, Construction Management
ID/IQ for Construction Management Services of Military Projects and Civil Works Projects within the Great Lakes and Ohio River Division Mission Boundaries. Architect-Engineer (A-E) services to support USACE in the administration and oversight of construction projects. Construction Management Services are required on Military, Civil, other DOD, Interagency/International Support and Environmental construction programs to support LRD. Work can be located in Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, and Michigan but may include other US states within the Louisville River Division and Puerto Rico.
Client: USACE Mobile Services: Federal, Engineering, Construction Management
Contract A-E Services to Support the Construction Management Program. Accura will provide timely and cost effective responses to support the Mobile District to include: Bid-ability and Constructability Reviews for building construction projects; Preparation of contract related documents and analysis, such as construction cost estimates, project schedules or networks analysis systems, delay impact analysis, claims and change order analysis; Review of contractor submittals; Shop Drawing Review; Quality Assurance activities in connection to building construction inspection.
Client: USACE Philadelphia Services: Federal, Engineering, Construction Management
Contract: Preventative Maintenance IDIQ
Client: USACE San Francisco Services: Federal, A-E, Construction Management
Contract: 8(a) Small Business Firm-Fixed-Price, indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC) for A-E Services Primarily for Construction Phase Services which Support Civil Works, interagency and International Services (IIS), Military Construction Projects for San Francisco District and Other Districts within the South Pacific Division (SPD). Services are primarily for use by San Francisco District (SPN), Los Angeles District (SPL), Sacramento District (SPK), and in support normal and emergency activities for these districts.
Client: USEPA Region 4 Services: Federal, Environmental
Contact: EPA Environmental Support Services
US Army Corp of Engineers

- Savannah District
- Charleston District
- Louisville District
- Pittsburgh District
- Huntsville Engineering Center
- Philadelphia District
- Kansas City District
- Jacksonville District
- San Francisco District
- Marshall Space Flight Center
- Goddard Space Flight Center
- Southeast
- Midlant
US Army
- 81st Army Reserve
- 99th Army Reserve
- Fort Campbell
- Fort Belvoir
- Fort Jackson
- Fort Benning
- Fort Stewart
US Air Force
- Air Force Civil Engineer Center
- Robins AFB
General Services Administration
Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Department of Agriculture
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Department of Interior